Rostering Solutions
Your rosters, within budget, compliant and fast everytime

Enterprises optimising their rosters with Daitum
Minimise overtime, maximise staff utilisation, increase profitability
Rostering staff is hard! Having the right staff at the right time performing the right duties is incredibly complex. Yet, this task is often done manually, using only partially available information and by staff not necessarily trained to do rostering. This makes rostering not only time consuming but also incredibly frustrating … and may leave significant money on the table and leave staff unhappy as their work preferences cannot be met.
Daitum’s best-in-class AI-driven software solution changes all that: generating highly efficient rosters at the click of a button. Daitum maximises staff utilisation and reduces labour costs, and can be set up to meet staff preferences to aid retention. Daitum’s rostering solutions are able to consider all the requirements and nuances of your rostering challenge to delivery fit-for-purpose rosters that allow your business to thrive.
Why Daitum
A platform created to solve some of the most complicated problem small and large organisation will face.
One platform, endless applications.
Reduction in weekly rostered hours
Faster roster production
Compliance per shift
See our Platform in Action
See how easily Daitum can be implemented and the significant benefits that optimised decision-making solutions can deliver to your business.