Aged care Solutions
The right mix of doctors, nurses, caregivers and support staff at every shift
Enterprises optimising their rosters with Daitum
Minimise overtime, maximise staff utilisation, increase profitability
Aged care facilities, like nursing homes, assisted living centres or in In-home aged care requires round-the-clock staffing to provide care and support to elderly residents and patients. Caring for the most vulnerables in our society is a complex operation, facing a number of challenges, including increasing compliance requirements and complex staffing requirements for an effective 24/7 operation.
Daitum’s rostering solutions use the power of advanced AI to create highly effective and efficient rosters for residential aged care, in-home aged care and NDIS. By providing optimised rosters for operations managers Daitum drastically reduces the time spent creating rosters, and eliminates the guesswork involved in managing staff across the day. This gives your health care professionals more time to focus on quality of service rather than worrying about compliance all the while keeping labour costs low.
Daitum can roster in both residential and in-home aged care settings.
Tangible Results
Our platform allows you to configure easily permanent and casual staff, clinical and non clinical, specific skills for each shift.
Skills and qualifications play a vital role in healthcare and make rostering staff more challenging. It is paramount to only ever roster staff with the appropriate skills for the task at hand. However, it is also important to identify opportunities for training, up skilling or maintaining the existing skill set. Daitum takes all these requirements into account to ensure not only a highly efficient roster for the weeks ahead but also to ensure staff have the appropriate skills to meet the demand of the future.
Whenever an operation is 24/7, fatigue management plays a crucial role in the safekeeping of staff and ensuring consistent quality of service. Observing minimum gaps between shifts, preserving single days or weekends off, equitable shift distribution are all vital to ensure an effective workforce. Daitum manages all of these out of the box.
Why Daitum
A platform created to solve some of the most complicated problem small and large organisation will face.
One platform, endless applications.
Reduction in staff cost
Compliance per shift
Compromise on patient care
See our Platform in Action
See how easily Daitum can be implemented and the significant benefits that optimised decision-making solutions can deliver to your business.